van conversions

Tip top tipper: One of the more popular van conversions

More specialist van conversions

In more specialist cases, you may end up having to order the vehicle from the dealer and then arrange your own conversion directly with a bodybuilder. This could potentially open the door to a minefield of legislative and technical issues, as well as the question of order timescale: typical factory chassis cabs are currently taking 12-16 weeks to arrive from the factory, plus the body fitting time.

Save time and hassle with pre-ordering service

Global Van Solutions specialise in this market and have found that by pre-ordering the most popular chassis cabs and then pre-booking bodybuilder build slots, they can reduce the lead time on a fully converted vehicle to as little as 2-3 weeks.

At present, their most popular conversions are still tippers, dropsides and luton/box vans, but they are building a wide range of body lengths instead to exactly match their customer’s requirements.

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